Monday, June 14, 2010

Summertime feelin' fine

Once again, our blog has been neglected. Let's just say, it's pretty much impossible to keep our blog updated during school. So, now that it is summer, it's time for an update! I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore, so sometimes I wonder if it is worth updating. But, one reason for updating it is so that in 5 years, we can look back and see what life was like now, because I think sometimes we forget the little things, so here it goes!

Summer is fantastic! There is nothing better than waking up and having no obligations. We spent the first part of our summer fixing up our backyard. This included covering the 8in thick, huge, pond and building garden bed over it. We also put in a small, cute, more manageable pond with some flowers. We laid rock, a walking path, planted lilacs, an azalea, roses, peonies and much more. We also have a fire pit, rock porch (built last summer) and we laid sod. So now, our yard is bigger and more useful! We are very excited to spend our summer nights out there.... if it EVER stops raining.

Our summer has also included hikes, reading, playing guitar, hanging out with friends and family, going to Rockies games, celebrating Chris's 28th birthday and much more... and it's not even half way over!

Oh, and kind of a big deal... Chris is starting grad school! He is going back to school for Educational Leadership and will walk away with his Principal's License. The program will last 1 year, which is great. I'm very proud of him for going back!

Our greatest hope is that this summer will include a trip to Rome. My dad works for an airline, and Chris and I get to reap the benefits of that, which means $150 round trip tickets to Rome. So, we kind of figure that for that price, we have to go to one of the greatest cities in the world. So far, the flights are looking wide open, but now we just have to figure out the details and hope that the flights don't fill up. So, maybe next time we write a blog is will be about Rome... we hope!

We want to be here...

Oh, and finally, I must mention that part of the reason this summer can be enjoyed so much is the fact that I got a job! In April, I found out that my position was being cut from 100% to 30%, which was very worrisome. But then, I applied for an opening at my same school and, out of 90 people that applied, I got it! I will be teaching 6th grade geography and I couldn't be happier. I am sooooo excited!

Well, those are the big updates. We will probably write again in a few months :)


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